Factset Ownership
Factset Ownership


Global institutional, mutual fund, stakeholder, and float-related share ownership information covering equity positions held in 120 countries.
Accessibility statement for Factset Ownwership

More info

WRDS dataset. Use Factset to investigate share ownership from company and holder perspective, analyze ownership data or examine historical share movements.        

Registration instructions

You need to create an account to use WRDS datasets.

  • Click 'Register' on the WRDS homepage.
  • Register using your City email address.
  • Under 'User type', postgraduate and undergraduate students should select ‘Students (Masters/Undergrad).’
  • You will receive an email within two working days asking you to agree to the Terms & Conditions.
  • Once you have replied, your account will be approved and when you login to WRDS, you will have to sign up to their 2 Factor Authentication system. 
  • As part of the registration process, Duo collects WRDS usernames, phone numbers, and email addresses in order to verify information during login.  Duo (owned by Cisco) retains anonymized information post login for statistical and performance purposes. Duo privacy policies can be found here.