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Understanding open access

Finding open access content

There are an increasing number of scholarly materials (for example books, journal articles and conference papers) made freely available online as open access materials. These are peer reviewed, quality checked and full text access is provided where possible.

This guide provides links to a range of open access content including:

  • Open access and subject repositories
  • Open access journals
  • Open access books and book chapters

See also our guidance on using browser extensions to find open access resources.

How do I recognise if an article is open access (OA)?

Open access padlock symbolThe open padlock symbol is a universal icon indicating whether an article is open access. Whenever you see this symbol online, you will have free access to the content in which it is embedded.

As well as being visible on open access platforms, this icon commonly appears in paid for subscription journals where authors have made their article openly accessible.

Examples of open access content

Institutional repositories

An institutional repository is a research database or archive containing the intellectual output of an organisation. Many universities have institutional repositories that can be searched individually. The institutional repository of City St George's, University of London is City Research Online (CRO) which includes: articles, conference papers and theses written by City staff and researchers.

You can use these resources to search across multiple repositories:

  • CORE searches across a range of international repository content.
  • OpenDOAR lists national and international repositories.

Disciplinary repositories

A disciplinary repository is a research database containing materials related to a particular subject area. Examples of content include: articles, conference papers and working papers.

Some websites allow you to filter to open access content:

Some subscription databases allow you to filter search results by open access:

Some publishers and university presses offer a selection of open access titles: