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Important publication versions

Publications go through different stages during their life-cycle. 

Main milestone versions are:

  • draft
  • submitted version
  • accepted version
  • published version
  • updated version.

The Versions Toolkit (PDF, 439 KB) created by LSE recommends saving these milestone versions. 

Which publication version can be used in City Research Online?

In most cases it is the Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version that can be made available in City Research Online.  It can also be called the 'Accepted version'. 

If the research output is published using the Gold Open Access route, the published version can be used in City Research Online. 

You can use the SHERPA/RoMEO service to help you decide which version you can use in City Research Online. 

What is the Author Accepted Manuscript?

What is the Author Accepted Manuscript infographic described in following plain text.

Infographic description.

Section 1. Before transfer of copyright.

  1. submit article to journal
  2. peer review
  3. edit (steps 2 and 3 may go back and forth)
  4. accepted by publisher.

The Pre-print is not an accepted version. The Author accepted manuscript is an accepted version.

Section 2. After transfer of copyright.

  1. copy edited and typeset
  2. published online
  3. published in print.

The proofs are not an accepted version. The version of record is not an accepted version.