For students on the MSc Health Management & MSc Health Policy programmes and any other users looking for information relating to health management and policy.
Each Country Health Profile provides a short synthesis of: health status; the determinants of health, focusing on behavioural risk factors; the organisation of the health system; the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of the health system.
Responses from the third wave of the OECD Health System Characteristics Survey are available online, providing access to the most recent information on key institutional characteristics of health systems of OECD countries and key partner and accession countries.
In-depth studies of the health system of member countries, with a particular focus on economic issues. They assess the performance of health systems in a comparative context, identify the main challenges faced by the country health system and put forward policy options to better meet them. Reviews are initiated at the request of the country to be examined and emphasis is placed on specific issues of key policy interest.