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Research Impact

Engaging with parliament

As a researcher, you may want to engage with Parliament in order to gain greater impact for your work.

  • You can access resources about engaging with Parliament as a researcher on the Knowledge Exchange Unit webhub.
  • Contact the Knowledge Exchange Unit at with queries about researcher engagment wth parliament or email a short introduction to your research and the Knowledge Exchange Unit  (KEU) will pass it on to the relevant subject specialist in the House of Commons Library.
  • Follow the KEU on Twitter @UKParl_Research to keep updated about engagement opportunities with Parliament.

The UK Parliament has produced a guide entitled 'Research Impact at the UK Parliament', explaining:

There is also a webpage on Parliament and the Research Excellence Framework

A more detailed explanation of how research is used in Parliament can be found in a report on 'The Role of Research in UK Parliament 2017' (two volumes) which can be accessed from the UK Parliament research evidence webpage.

The POST website includes upcoming briefings, newsletter sign up and the contact details for specialists.

If you would like to find out how your work has been used in Parliament, there are many sources of Government and official publications which you can look at. For example:

City's Communications Team collates mentions of City and its academics in Parliamentary reports. They also have access to a database of contacts in Westminster and details of business being conducted there, including Select Committees, All Party Parliamentary Groups and Calls for Evidence to these. Details of City's Communications Team can be found in the section below.

Communicating your research to a wider audience

The Press Office works with City academics to help to promote their research and expertise to a variety of key audiences. The team work with academics to help translate research findings into accessible stories, press releases and features for use by the media and in City's own communication channels.

More information is available to City staff via the Communication Team's pages on the Staff Hub.

There is also a dedicated Senior Communications Officer for each School: City academics are welcome to get in touch with them to ask about support with the dissemination of their work via the media or other channels and about the collation of media coverage already achieved.