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Research funder open access policies

Other funders

Other research funders may stipulate open access requirements for publications arising from their funding. To identify these requirements you can:

  • check the terms and conditions of your funding contract
  • contact the organisation you received funding from
  • search for your funder using the Sherpa Juliet research funders open access policies tool (see below).

Funder checking tool

JISC Open Policy finder is a searchable database containing up-to-date information on funder's policies and their requirements for open access, publication, and research data.

How to use this tool

  1. Select 'Funder' from the drop down menu
  2. Search for your funder in the search box, or browse funder
  3.  Select result
  4.  Select 'Requires Open Access Archiving' for the policy on depositing in named and institutional repositories
  5.  Select 'Requires Open Access Publishing' for details on policy requirements for publishing open access
  6.  Select 'General Open Access Policy' for general information and links to the funders policy
  7.  Select 'Requires Open Data Archiving' for the policy requirements on open data.