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Culture & the Creative Industries

Creative Industries library guide

A list of tailored, credible, good quality materials for your subject. These are the key resources you should become familiar with. Open and explore the links.

The books relating to Culture and the Creative Industries can be found in the Northampton Square Library. If you want to browse the library shelves for specific subject areas, the enclosed table gives you some useful shelfmarks.

At the Northampton Square Library, books with shelfmarks 0 - 303.3999 can be found on level 3; books with shelfmarks 303.4 - 330.09 can be found on level 4, and books with shelfmarks 330.1 and above are shelved on level 5.



Architecture 720
Art 700
Arts management 706
Consumer theory 306.3
Cultural policy and theory 306
Entrepreneurship 658.022 and 658.421
Events management 394.2068
Management of non-profit organisations 658.048
Marketing 658.8
Performing arts 792
Planning and policy making 658.401
Urban communities 307.76

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Help with journals

Your Subject Librarian

Antonella Yarnold

Based at: Northampton Square Library

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