Journal articles, case studies, company profiles, industry reports, SWOT analyses. Covers business and economics, with full text access to the Harvard Business Review.
Profit and loss, balance sheet, ratios and trends, stock prices, credit score and rating information for major public and private British companies. Lists of companies can be created using any combination of 300 search items.
Limitation: Please note that Moody's resources may be used for educational research only, and may not be used for institutional business purposes.
Peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations, conference proceedings, working papers, trade publications, industry reports, and key periodicals including the Wall Street Journal.
Also covers ProQuest Accounting & Tax, Asian Business & Reference, Banking Information Source, Entrepreneurship, and the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.
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Some specialist resources are only available on fixed PCs in Northampton Square Library and the Business Library. These PCs can be booked in advance.
Global financial markets database providing news, analytics, real time pricing for millions of securities world-wide plus extensive historical pricing and stock charts.
Available on campus only from dedicated terminals:
• 7 bookable terminals in the Financial Resources Zone, Business Library
• 10 non-bookable terminals in the Bloomberg Finance Lab, Bunhill Row
• 10 bookable terminals in the Financial Resources Suite, Northampton Square
Registration instructions: To use Bloomberg, you must create a Bloomberg account.
Certifications: To take Bloomberg Certification in Finance Fundamentals, Market Concept or Environmental Social Governance, see Signing up for Bloomberg for Education.
See our Bloomberg LibGuide for more information.
Comprehensive financial data, analytics, and insights for global markets, including real-time news, pricing, and specialist research tools. Includes data from Worldscope, I/B/E/S, Lipper and Asset 4.
Use the Excel Add-in to download data and access Datastream.