Online classical music library providing streaming access to a vast number of CDs. Jazz, world music and pop/rock also represented.
Accessibility statement for Naxos Music Library
Recordings of music, spoken word, and human and natural environments. You cannot currently download the recordings.
Accessibility statement for British Library Sounds
This is currently unavailable following a cyber-attack at the provider, more information is available from the British Library.
View, record, create clips and share broadcast programmes from over 75 TV and radio channels. Only available to view in the UK. For educational use only.
Accessibility statement for Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
Limitation - Full service available only to users located in the UK. BBC Parliament is temporarily available to users located anywhere in the world.
Offers recordings of full-length stage performances as well as interviews and workshops with directors and actors.
Accessibility statement for Digital Theatre Plus
DVDs and CDs are stored in the Audio Visual (AV) collection on Level 5 of the Northampton Square Library.
You can borrow up to five DVDs or CDs at a time.