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Commercially produced tests

It can be challenging to find the full text of tests, instruments, and measures. If the tests are commercially available they are referred to as published tests. Published tests are sold via the test publisher's website.

Usage of these tests may be restricted to licensed psychologists.

Published tests are listed in the following reference works:

Non-commercial tests

Non-commercial tests can be found in books or they could be included in an article or in its appendices.  You may be able to use or adapt them with the permission of the original author.

How to search for non-commercial tests?

In PsycINFO you can limit your search by "Tests and Measures." The results you retrieve will list the tests and measurements used in the document.  To find out if the full-text of the test is included in the document add the term "appended" to your search.

Watch a short video explaining how to carry out the search, produced by the American Psychological Association.


You can access the PsycTESTS database via Senate House Library - you need to register online first via their website.

Contact your project supervisor

The Department of Psychology have a collection of tests, measures and scales available for staff and student use. Please contact your project supervisor to find out more.

Further guidance and support