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Alternatively, you can use this table to check the shelf marks for various topics. Selecting a shelfmark from the table will provide a list of book titles under that category available from the Library.
Topic |
Shelfmark |
Alzheimers | 616.831 |
Anatomy & Physiology (audiology) | 616.85507 |
Anatomy & Physiology (speech) | 612.78 |
Anatomy & Physiology (swallowing) | 616.32 |
Aphasia | 616.855206 |
Apraxia | 616.8552 |
Articulation disorders | 616.855 |
Asperger's syndrome | 616.8588 |
Audiology | 617.8 |
Augmentative communication | 616.85882 |
Autism (children) | 618.9285882 |
Autism (psychological) | 616.85882 |
Autism (teaching) | 371.94 |
Child development | 155.4 |
Cleft lip/palate | 617.5225 |
Communication disorders | 616.855 |
Deafness | 617.8 |
Dementia | 616.83 |
Dysarthria | 616.855 |
Dyslexia | 616.8553 |
Dyspraxia | 371.916 |
Education (speech and language) | 616.85506071 |
Evidence Based Medicine | 616 |
Fluency disorders | 616.8554 |
Hearing | 617.8 |
Hearing (physiology) | 612.85 |
Language development | 401.93 & 618.92855 |
Language disabilities | 371.914 |
Language disorders | 618.92855 |
Larynx | 616.22 & 617.533 |
Linguistics | 410 |
Motor speech disorders | 616.855 |
Neurology | 616.8 |
Paediatrics | 618.92 |
Phonetics and Phonology | 414 & 421.5 |
Sign Language | 419 |
Stammering/Stuttering | 616.8554 |
Stammering/Stuttering (children) | 618.928554 |
Stroke | 616.81 |
Swallowing disorders | 616.31 |