Includes references and full-text articles from key journals for criminology, criminal justice, corrections and prisons, policing and forensic sciences.
Digital archive of academic journals, books and primary sources.
Large collection of journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine published by Sage.
Multidisciplinary resource which enables simultaneous cross-searching of a range of citation indexes and databases. It provides access to research tools like cited reference searching and the Journal Citation Reports.
Multidisciplinary database providing access to full text articles, reports, conference proceedings and books.
Access to international literature in psychology, behavioural science and social sciences from the 1880s to present.
Includes references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. IBSS focuses mainly on anthropology, economics, politics and sociology.
Contains about 200 law textbooks across core and optional modules.
The largest abstract and citation database of international peer-reviewed literature: journals, books and conference proceedings. It also has smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research.
Covers all areas of sociology including criminology and criminal justice, demography, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, marriage and family, political sociology, social development, and social psychology.
Full access to law and law-related journal articles from many US, UK and international publications.
HeinOnline does not always give you access to the most recent year of the publication.
Law database which includes primary law, secondary sources, and practical guidance.
It incorporates and replaces both the previous Lexis Library (cases, legislation, articles, Halsbury’s Laws of England, Blackstone’s Criminal Practice, All England Law Reports and more) and Lexis Practical Guidance (practitioner database with practice notes and practical legal research sources). Includes access to Lexis' Smart Forms.
Covers all aspects of the law providing access to cases, legislation, journal articles and abstracts, full text practitioner books and commentary. Also contains the Legal Journals Index of UK legal periodicals back to 1986.
UK cases, legislation and law reports.
Parliamentary papers (primarily House of Commons) from 1660 to 2005. Also contains content from Hansard from 1803 to 2005 and Command Papers 1833-2004.