Search online for textbooks using CityLibrary Search or use Reading Lists Online to access materials recommended for your module.
Alternatively, you can use this table to check the shelf marks for various topics. Selecting a shelfmark from the table will provide a list of book titles under that category available from the Library.
Topic |
Shelfmark |
Clinical skills | 610.73 /616.0751/ 618.9200231 |
Community health | 610.7343 |
Epidemiology | 614.4 |
General practice | 616 |
Health assessment | 616.0754 |
Health management | 362.1068 |
Health promotion | 613 |
Health psychology | 616.0019 |
Health visiting | 362.14 |
HIV/Aids | 362.1969792 |
NHS | 362.10941 |
Physical assessment (nursing) | 616.0754 |
Primary care | 610.734 |
Psychology for nurses | 150.2461073 |
Public health | 362.10941 |
Reflective practice | 610.73 |
Sexual health | 613.9 |
Social policy | 361.610941 |
School nursing | 371.712 |
Oxford Scholarship Online is a resource which provides access to a number of e-books covering public health and epidemiology.