Platform providing access to databases covering a variety of subjects including business, economics, education, environment, food science, health, politics and sociology.
Accessibility statement for EBSCO
Provides access to a number of health databases covering general health topics as well as allied health; complementary medicine, health management, international health, maternity care, nursing and social policy.
Accessibility statement for Ovid Online
Provides access to articles covering the key areas of public health, including public policy, non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, social determinants of disease, and key issues of poverty, equity, and social justice.
Accessibility statement for Oxford Bibliographies - Public Health
Online guide to referencing. It will help you to reference books, journals, articles, websites, and understand how to avoid plagiarism. It includes guidance and examples for a number of referencing styles, especially Harvard.
Accessibility statement for Cite Them Right online
Online reference management tool. It allows you to keep track of your research, helps create bibliographies and share references with others.
Accessibility statement for RefWorks
Referral - Our Library Guide provides login instructions and offers advice on how to use some of the features of RefWorks. It is available from RefWorks guide.