Academic databases are searchable collections of academic literature. They are often subject specific, but can be multi-disciplinary.
They provide access to a wide range of scholarly content including journal articles, books or book chapters, conference proceedings, technical reports and much more. They may also contain specific materials such as maps, film, newspapers, standards, and more.
The databases on this page primarily contain academic literature, like journal articles. See our financial and company information guide for databases like Bloomberg or Eikon which contain primary information.
Search these databases for articles on your topic. When you get your results, use the filter marked 'Academic', 'Scholarly', or 'Peer-reviewed' to find academic journal articles only.
Peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations, conference proceedings, working papers, trade publications, industry reports, and key periodicals including the Wall Street Journal.
Also covers ProQuest Accounting & Tax, Asian Business & Reference, Banking Information Source, Entrepreneurship, and the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.
Journal articles, case studies, company profiles, industry reports, SWOT analyses. Covers business and economics, with full text access to the Harvard Business Review.
Full-text database containing journal articles and book chapters from thousands of journals and ebooks. The majority of content is published by Elsevier.
Subjects covered include science, technology, business, management, accounting, health sciences, engineering and social sciences.. Full-text access is to subscribed content only.
Multidisciplinary resource which enables simultaneous cross-searching of a range of citation indexes and databases. It provides access to research tools like cited reference searching and the Journal Citation Reports.
The largest abstract and citation database of international peer-reviewed literature: journals, books and conference proceedings. It also has smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research.
Abstracts and full text access to books and journals published by Emerald. Content covers accounting, management, education, engineering and information science.
Peer-reviewed journals, case studies, WARC briefings, best practice guides on marketing strategy and implementation, research papers, media and advertising data, and market context analysis.
Also includes Market Leader, the Journal of Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising & the International Journal of Market Research.
© and database right Warc Limited and/or its licensors 2025. All warranties and liabilities disclaimed to the fullest extent permitted by law.
User Guides available in Business Library Moodle 2024-2025. For access to the user guides, non-Business School students and staff should email
Collection of books and journals in the fields of sustainability, business ethics, responsible management and accountability.
GOL also includes content from the United Nations Global Compact, and the Greenleaf/PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) series.
These online resources contain business articles and much more, covering a wide range of subjects studied at universities.
Provides online access to Cambridge University Press's collection of over 200 journals in science, social sciences and humanities.
Open access collection of full text scientific and scholarly journals. It aims to cover all subjects and languages.
Large collection of academic and professional research articles, covering a wide range of subjects and publishers.
Ingenta is a database that allows you locate references from around 30,000 recent publications, with some links to full text resources. Subjects covered include arts, food sciences, computer and information science, economics and business, technology, mathematics, nursing, psychology and social sciences, amongst others.
Digital archive of academic journals, books and primary sources.
Publisher website hosting Oxford University Press journals.
Platform that offers access to various research databases, as well as newspaper and magazine archives hosted by ProQuest.
Full-text database of journals, e-books and lecture notes in computer science and mathematics published by Springer. A wide range of subjects are covered.
Subjects covered by journals and e-books include business and management, computer science, economics, education, engineering, geography, history, law, literature, materials science, mathematics, medicine & public health, philosophy, physics, political science and international relations, psychology, social sciences and statistics.
Full-text acces is to subscribed content only.
Multidisciplinary collection of online resources including books, journal articles, reference works and laboratory protocols and citations. It covers health and physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.
Multidisciplinary database providing access to full text articles, reports, conference proceedings and books.
These databases will help you find articles in common areas of interdisciplinary research. You can also visit the library guides for other subjects to find more online resources.
Contains full text of almost one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science. Includes highly-cited peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and standards.
Also provides access to content from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), as well as some archive material from the 1880s.
Database of full-text articles in psychology from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Full access to law and law-related journal articles from many US, UK and international publications.
HeinOnline does not always give you access to the most recent year of the publication.
Digital archive of articles, working papers, and policy briefs from government research organisations, independent think tanks and university analysis centres.
Covers all fields of economics, including: capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, and labour economic.