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Explore this library guide using the menu on the left to help you choose the right information source for your work. Contact your librarian if you need help or advice.

Journal Articles

Peer-reviewed journal articles are the gold standard of academic research. In big databases like Business Source Ultimate and ProQuest Business Collection, select the "Scholarly/Peer-reviewed" option in your search results to identify peer-reviewed articles.

To find a specific journal title, go to the Journals A-Z list to search for specific journal titles and browse through their archives.

We have many databases for other academic subjects, too - if you are doing interdisciplinary research, try using our other Subject Guides to identify further resources.

Finding Highly-Rated Research

Citation Searching

Use these databases to identify journal articles, find out how many times they have been cited, and discover journal impact factors.

Identifying Highly-Rated Journals

The CABS Academic Journal Guide is the Chartered Association of Business Schools' guide to prestigious journal titles in business and management topics. Use the red 'Register/Log In' button under the page title to view and download a copy. It's an excellent way to work out what the most highly rated academic journals are for inclusion in your project. 

You can then find the direct link to these journals in our subscriptions using our Journals A-Z List - search for the journal title, not for individual articles.

Working Papers

Government Publications, Theses and Reports

Often called "grey literature", these publications can be hard to find. Try searching on the websites of governments, charities, research institutes and similar websites to find relevant papers. Universities around the world often make theses available online.

Finding a specific journal article

  • If you are looking for a specific article, (e.g. one recommended by your lecturer), the best resource to use is CityLibrary Search.
  • Enter the title of the article and select Articles from the drop down menu.
  • If the article is available from the library, the title will be displayed and you can access it by selecting the Full Text Online link below it.

Sometimes we have access to a journal article, but it will not show up in your search results from City Library Search. If your article does not appear in your search results:

  • Go to the Journals A-Z list and search for the journal title. It should retrieve a title that matches the journal title you're looking for.
  • Click on the link with the date range that corresponds to the date on your reference.Section of an article showing reference date 2014 alongside a section of the Library catalogue screen highlighting the date coverage options provided by suplliers.
  • Login with your City username and password or City email address.
  • Select the year, volume and issue listed in your reference. If no volume or issue information is provided, page numbers can help you identify the issue.
    On the journal or supplier webpage the corresponding Volume, Issue number and pages have been located.
  • Find the article title on the journal list and look for full text.


Tips for searching academic databases

Make a list of the terms you try out as you search.

  • Stops the frustration of searching the same phrase repeatedly!
  • You can use the list to search the next database more quickly
  • Writing a list allows you to make new connections between concepts
  • Helps identify synonyms, alternative words/phrases

Use options on your search results page to narrow down your search. Try selecting 'peer-reviewed/scholarly' to see only peer-reviewed articles and narrowing by the date of publication.

Try these advanced search tips, too:

  • Phrase searching: put a phrase in inverted commas to find articles where that exact phrase appears, not just the words in any order. For instance, "climate change" or "financial services".
  • Add ‘wildcards’ to search across different formations or spellings of the same root word. Using a * searches alternative endings (‘manag*’ will retrieve management, managers, managing, etc.)
  • Truncation: using a ? Searches alternative spellings (‘organi?ation’ retrieves both ‘organization’ and ‘organisation’.


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