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Journals and articles

A journal is a scholarly magazine, written by academics about the cutting edge of research. A journal is made up of articles, about very specific research topics.

Finding journals


You can also browse journals using the database BrowZine.

Finding articles

CityLibrary Search is our library search engine. You can use it to find journal articles by selecting Articles from the dropdown menu when searching.

When you find an article you want to read, the record gives you a few options to access the full text and some additional information about the article:

  1. The PDF link takes you to a PDF of the article. This can be good for printing.
  2. The full text online link takes you to the webpage of the article.
  3. Browse journal takes you to the article within the table of contents of the issue so you can check for other articles of interest.
  4. Citation count for Web of Science. This is the number of articles citing the article. You can click through to view a list of the citing articles in Web of Science.
  5. Altmetrics. This shows the social impact of the article you are looking at.

CityLibrary Search article record. Features explained in preceding steps.


A database is a collection of searchable, high quality academic literature or information. If you are doing a literature review or a systematic review you should use subject specific databases. You can search for databases using CityLibrary Search or browse the Databases A-Z.

Accessing articles from databases

A database search will give a list of results. Once you have found articles you want to read, you can check for full text.

If you see the PDF or html symbol you can click straight through to the full text of the article. If these options are not provided, it means we do not have access to the article through the database you are searching. However, it may be available through another database we subscribe to.


Is it @CityLibrary? links

Some databases will show an 'is it @CityLibrary' link. If you follow the link it will search our holdings so you can see if the article is available through any of our other databases. If it is available, it will give the following access options:

  1. Full Text Online takes you to the full text of the article.
  2. Browse Journal takes you to the online journal in which the article is published. This can be useful if the full text online link is broken.

Is it @CityLibrary? page. Options explained in preceding steps.

Full Text via LibKey links

Some databases will show a 'Full Text via LibKey' link. This is just an alternative way of checking our holdings to see if the article is available through another publisher. If it is available, it will give the following options:

  1. Download PDF.
  2. Article link takes you to the webpage of the article. 
  3. View article in context you to the article within the table of contents of the issue so you can check for other articles of interest.

Full Text via LibKey page. Options explained in preceding steps.

Finding freely accessible articles

There are browser tools available to help you find freely accessible copies of articles not covered by our subscriptions.

Here is a guide on how to use browser extensions to find open access resources.


Visit our e-books guide for help and information on using e-books including if you can print or download, e-book accessibility and troubleshooting.