British weekly magazine of news and opinion, covering world politics, economics, business finance, science and technology. Full-text available from June 1997 to present.
The Economist Online also offers a variety of web-only content, including blogs, debates and audio/video programmes. Access is sponsored by The Worshipful Company of International Bankers.
Gives access to the daily news focusing on international business and economics. also provides access to company and market data as well as the FT ePaper which is the digital replica of the Financial Times printed newspaper from different countries including UK, Asia and USA.
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Journal articles, case studies, company profiles, industry reports, SWOT analyses. Covers business and economics, with full text access to the Harvard Business Review.
Covers all fields of economics, including: capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, and labour economic.
Digital archive of academic journals, books and primary sources.
Peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations, conference proceedings, working papers, trade publications, industry reports, and key periodicals including the Wall Street Journal.
Also covers ProQuest Accounting & Tax, Asian Business & Reference, Banking Information Source, Entrepreneurship, and the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.
The largest abstract and citation database of international peer-reviewed literature: journals, books and conference proceedings. It also has smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research.
Multidisciplinary resource which enables simultaneous cross-searching of a range of citation indexes and databases. It provides access to research tools like cited reference searching and the Journal Citation Reports.
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