Database that collects citations from various types of documents, including policy papers, parliamentary transcripts, government guidelines, and research from think-tanks.
It contains documents from over 27,000 organisations in more than 180 countries, with new documents added weekly. Overton indexes, categorises and analyses the documents to extract key terms and topics.
Registration is required. Please use your City email to sign up before using this resource.
Industry trends, strategic analysis, market size and market share data across key countries and industries. Includes demographic and economic data and packaging information.
Registration instructions: Business School students should register for an account via Business Library Moodle 2024-2025. Non-Business School students and staff should email for registration instructions.
UK Market research reports with a rolling two years' data. The focus is on consumer markets including a specialist coverage of the financial sector.
Market size, market share, market forecasts and segmentation data. Global coverage of several industries including: automotive, clothing, energy, finance, media, pharmaceuticals and many more.
Limitation: Users may download or print from Mintel Market Sizes a maximum of 55 datasets per session. Users may include a combination of no more than five each of the following: (a) up to twenty-five percent of a single Snapshots report and (b) a dataset, in a dissertation or thesis.
Journal articles, case studies, company profiles, industry reports, SWOT analyses. Covers business and economics, with full text access to the Harvard Business Review.
Offers full text from a range of sources including international newspapers, trade publications and magazines. Many titles have a 20 year archive and content is updated daily, making it useful for business, industry news and reports.
Please note that articles generally have no formatting or images.
UK, US, China and Global-level research reports for over 400 industries.
Limitation: There is a download limit of 25 reports per session. Specialized Industry Reports are not available as part of our subscription.
User Guides available in Business Library Moodle 2024-2025. Non-Business School students and staff should email
Full-text coverage of national, regional and international news from a range of sources including newswires. Updated daily and with many titles having a 20 year archive, useful for current affairs and seeing how topics have been reported.
Articles generally have no formatting or images.